Saturday, 17 March 2012

Montréal Mayor Gérald Tremblay Strongly & Publicly Condemns SPVM Killings And Other SPVM Police Brutality Sorta. . .

The above parody captioned photograph of Montréal mayor Gérald Tremblay was inspired by the following quote that I just read in a report titled 'Le maire «dégoûté»' -

"J'ai été et je suis encore dégoûté de la situation. Ma tolérance a atteint ses limites. Il semble que ça soit également le cas pour l'ensemble de la population montréalaise."

Translation -

"I was, and I still am, disgusted by the situation. My tolerance has reached its limits. It seems that this is equally the case for the entirety of the population of Montreal."

Mayor Tremblay was strongly and publicly condemning the annual March 15th protest against police brutality organized by the Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière (COBP) (Collective Opposed to Police Brutality COPB), however it seems to *me* that Gérald Tremblay's strong words could just as justifiably be directed at the SPVM itself in light of a series of highly questionable police killings and other police brutality committed by officers of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal, hence my parody image. . .

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Le SPVM Recherche Des Victimes Potentielles. . . Un Tweet Envoyé Au Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal

On February 27, 2012, the SPVM aka Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal posted a Tweet about recent thefts in Montreal old people's homes to their @SPVM Twitter account -

Vols dans des résidences de personnes âgées : le SPVM recherche des victimes potentielles

Needless to say the second part of that @SPVM Tweet, which when translated into English says -

"The SPVM is looking for potential victims"

can be interpreted in more ways than one. . .

In light of the apparent proclivity of SPVM police officers to gun down homeless men and other people in psychological distress I could not restrain myself from responding to that poorly worded @SPVM Tweet with the following play on words aka jeu de mots -

@SPVM Des personnes sans-abri et d'autres individus dans la #détresse #psychologique : le #SPVM recherche des #victimes potentielles. . .

Here is a screen shot of my Tweet responding to that @SPVM Tweet -

I am also embedding that Tweet below -

It seems that the SPVM aka Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal were at a loss for words as to how to respond to my waggish play on words that none-the-less sent them a deadly serious message about their highly questionable habit of shooting first and not bothering to ask questions later. . .

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The Colorado Coalition Of Reason Anti God Billboard Advertisements Proclaiming That "God Is An Imaginary Friend" Are Lacking In Reason

In more ways than one. . .

As reported in The Huffington Post article titled -

Atheist Group Pays For Billboards That Read: 'God Is An Imaginary Friend'

the Colorado Coalition of Reason aka COCORE has commissioned some billboard advertisements to be displayed in Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado, which proclaim that "God Is An Imaginary Friend" and call upon people to "Choose Reality". As per my comment responding to this comment by Huffington Post Super User jimspy the atheistic (if not outright anti-theistic. . .) advertising slogan chosen by the Colorado Coalition Of Reason for its 2012 billboard campaign is lacking in Reason, as are some of the public statements that COCORE has made in defense of this questionable billboard slogan.

Without further ado here is the full text of my original Huffington Post comment which had to be Reader's Digested a bit because it was somewhat longer than the 250 words that HuffPost allows for comments. A screenshot of the condensed version of the comment, as it was actually posted to the Huffington Post blog, may be read below -

What part of the Colorado Coalition of Reason's billboard advertisement -

"God Is An Imaginary Friend - Choose Reality, It Will Be Better For All Of Us."

did you fail to understand Jimspy?

*That* billboard slogan is in fact a rather dogmatic public assertion of the ahem. . . positive belief that "there is no God."

Am I wrong?

Gotta love the following BS from COCORE -

"If you disagree with the sentiments of the sign, please don't be offended. We are more interested in opening a dialogue than upsetting you. We don't ask you to stop believing in your version of a super-natural being. We do ask that you consider not forcing your religious views on others."

Where does the Colorado Coalition of *Reason* come up with the rather unreasonable idea that displaying billboard advertisements telling ALL God believing people, and thus the vast majority of Americans. . . that they are not only lacking in reason, but are out of touch with reality (and thus quite delusional as per Richard Dawkin's 'The God Delusion') in their belief in an "imaginary friend', is in no way intended to be offensive or "upsetting"?

The 2008 billboards that said, "Don't believe in God? You are not alone.", are not offensive to God believing people, but I have good old Unitarian *reason* to believe that the Colorado Coalition of Reason will rapidly discover that these new billboard advertisements, which quite dogmatically assert that God does not exist and not at all subtly suggest that all theists are out of touch with reality, are offensive and upsetting to a certain number of God believing Americans.

It never ceases to amaze me just how devoid of Reason some self-professed "rationalists" are. . .