Saturday, 17 March 2012

Montréal Mayor Gérald Tremblay Strongly & Publicly Condemns SPVM Killings And Other SPVM Police Brutality Sorta. . .

The above parody captioned photograph of Montréal mayor Gérald Tremblay was inspired by the following quote that I just read in a report titled 'Le maire «dégoûté»' -

"J'ai été et je suis encore dégoûté de la situation. Ma tolérance a atteint ses limites. Il semble que ça soit également le cas pour l'ensemble de la population montréalaise."

Translation -

"I was, and I still am, disgusted by the situation. My tolerance has reached its limits. It seems that this is equally the case for the entirety of the population of Montreal."

Mayor Tremblay was strongly and publicly condemning the annual March 15th protest against police brutality organized by the Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière (COBP) (Collective Opposed to Police Brutality COPB), however it seems to *me* that Gérald Tremblay's strong words could just as justifiably be directed at the SPVM itself in light of a series of highly questionable police killings and other police brutality committed by officers of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal, hence my parody image. . .

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Le SPVM Recherche Des Victimes Potentielles. . . Un Tweet Envoyé Au Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal

On February 27, 2012, the SPVM aka Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal posted a Tweet about recent thefts in Montreal old people's homes to their @SPVM Twitter account -

Vols dans des résidences de personnes âgées : le SPVM recherche des victimes potentielles

Needless to say the second part of that @SPVM Tweet, which when translated into English says -

"The SPVM is looking for potential victims"

can be interpreted in more ways than one. . .

In light of the apparent proclivity of SPVM police officers to gun down homeless men and other people in psychological distress I could not restrain myself from responding to that poorly worded @SPVM Tweet with the following play on words aka jeu de mots -

@SPVM Des personnes sans-abri et d'autres individus dans la #détresse #psychologique : le #SPVM recherche des #victimes potentielles. . .

Here is a screen shot of my Tweet responding to that @SPVM Tweet -

I am also embedding that Tweet below -

It seems that the SPVM aka Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal were at a loss for words as to how to respond to my waggish play on words that none-the-less sent them a deadly serious message about their highly questionable habit of shooting first and not bothering to ask questions later. . .