The police report filed by Cambridge police officer Sgt. James Crowley was "disappeared" from the Boston Globe website and is not all that easy to find online. I found a copy of Sgt. James Crowley's police report about the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr. on Scribd titled 'Prof. Henry Louis Gates Police Report' and have decided to make available some screens shots of the police report here so that Unitarian*Universalist U*Us, or anyone else who may be interested in the Truth about the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr. on disorderly conduct charges, may enter into a free and responsible search for the truth and meaning of what actually happened. Dare to compare this official police report with Henry Louis Gate's version of events which may be read in his self-serving, but none-the-less less than flattering, 'Skip Gates Speaks' "interview" in The Root webzine of which he is the editor-in-chief. . .
Click your mouse on each image to view it and read its text full size.
Apparently it is possible to embed the SCRIBD document titled 'Prof. Henry Louis Gates Police Report' so I will do so here. If you place your mouse over the enlarge screen icon at the top right of the embed and click on it it will display the police report full screen making it very easy to read. If you want to embed this copy of the police report about the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr. into your own blog or website here is the SCRIBD page with the advanced embed code which may be easily customized. -
Prof. Henry Louis Gates Police Report
Kaya Oakes' Book 'NOT So Sorry - Abusers, False Apologies, And the Limits
of Forgiveness' And UUA Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial - What's The
How about this little Tweet of mine just for starters?
How ironic that Kaya Oakes' book Not So Sorry - Abusers, False Apologies,
and the Limits of For...
5 days ago
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